Materials:- egg cartons
- craft paint, acrylic
- craft paintbrush
- light strand


  1. Separate the egg carton lid. Remove the lip from the egg carton side where the eggs sit. Separate all of the separate egg segments. They tear fairly easily or use scissors and cut them.
  2. Cut away parts of the egg carton segments to create petals. I made four or five petals per flower. Do whatever looks good to you.
  3. Paint the egg carton segments to resemble flowers. Use a solid color or several tones. I used three shades plus white/vanilla paint for depth and a more natural look.
  4. Paint the inside of each section then let them dry. Then paint the outside of each section. Let dry.
  5. Poke a small hole from the back to the front for the light to go in. A pencil or an ice pick works fine. Push a light bulb through a hole in the soft egg carton. Stop at the end of the light bulb. (Don't push the light bulb farther. This position keeps it secure on the light strand.)
  6. Leave a few lights bare if you want or fill the entire strand with egg carton flowers.

11/1/2014 07:27:29 pm

Paint the egg carton segments to resemble flowers. Use a solid color or several tones. I used three shades plus white/vanilla paint for depth and a more natural look.


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